Luxury horse tack collection

Select your perfect luxury tack collection

As passionate horse lovers, we understand the deep bond you share with your equine companions. The relationship between rider and horse is a partnership built on trust, respect, and a shared desire for excellence. Luxury horse tack is an extension of this bond, an expression of your dedication to providing only the best for your horse. Our high-quality, elegant horse tack collection is designed with this in mind – crafted for comfort, durability, and unmatched sophistication.


A saddle is more than a piece of equipment; it’s a connection between you and your horse. Our specially selected luxury saddles are carefully crafted from the finest materials, offer unparalleled comfort and balance, helping you ride at your best while ensuring your horse’s comfort and safety. The thoughtful design of these saddles echoes your commitment to excellence in the equestrian realm.


View the collection of luxury bridles merges functionality with aesthetic elegance. Created from premium leather, these bridles are both durable and beautiful. We understand that a bridle isn’t just a tool for control but a testament to your dedication to providing the best for your horse. Our selected bridles promise both comfort for your horse and the luxurious feel you crave in your equestrian equipment.

Stirrups and Stirrup Leathers

We know how essential stirrups and stirrup leathers are to your riding experience. Our luxury stirrups and leathers are made from top-quality materials, ensuring durability and stability. They offer the right blend of function and elegance, embodying the luxurious, high-performance ethos of the discerning equestrian.


Ensure the utmost comfort for your horse with our range of luxury girths. Made with superior materials and designed to prevent chafing and discomfort, our list of selected girths provide a secure fit without compromising on your horse’s comfort. Your dedication to your horse’s welfare is reflected in the choice of a high-quality, comfortable girth.

Horse Bits

Experience the difference a luxury horse bit can make to your riding. Our premium collection of high-end horse bits is selected with your horse’s comfort and communication in mind. Crafted by high-end brands from premium materials and designed to last, these bits ensure clear, gentle communication between you and your horse, while their sleek design speaks of your commitment to the luxury equestrian lifestyle.

Saddle Pads

Our premium selected saddle pads combine high performance with luxurious comfort. Designed to protect your horse’s back while enhancing the fit of the saddle, all these pads offer a blend of function and style. Made from superior materials, these pads reflect your desire to give your horse the very best, mirroring your dedication to their comfort and the luxurious aesthetic of your riding attire.

Halters and Leads

Control and comfort blend perfectly in our special range of luxury halters and leads. Made with the finest quality leather and hardware, these pieces promise durability and a comfortable fit for your horse. Their elegant design elevates these practical tools to a higher level, a nod to the luxurious lifestyle you share with your equine companion.

Shop your Luxury Horse Tack products

Our top-notch selection of luxury horse tack products is more than just equipment; it’s a statement about your commitment to the equestrian lifestyle and the care and respect you have for your horse. Join us in celebrating the bond between horse and rider with horse tack that’s as elegant, comfortable, and high-performing as you and your horse deserve.

Luxury Equestrian products